pablolie;362821 Wrote: 
> I have re-installed SC 7.2 from scratch and things seem to be working
> now as expected (knock on wood). One weird aspect is that SC reports
> the following in the log every 20 mins or so
> Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync::_syncDown_error (359) Sync
> Down failed: No such player: 00:04:20:07:80:98, will retry in 1590
> That is the MAC of the SB3 in my main audio system, which seems to be
> working just fine and has a signal strength of over 75%. It is also
> there as part of the listed players, so it seems very odd that SC
> claims "no such player" every 20 mins...? I will go reburn the FW and
> see if this goes away... I should mention that what finally made me go
> and bite the reinstall bullet was the fact that finally SC started to
> get confused as to what player to send music to. I would select the
> bedroom Duet to play some music via the SC browser interface, and the
> music would stream to the living room SB3. These two had been
> previously synched, but the synch relationship had been turned off, and
> yet I could not get the Duet to play music via the browser interface -
> it would go to a different player. Obviosuly some pointers in SC where
> very confused, so it's no wonder there were major lags.

It looks like it's SqueezeNetwork (not SC) that is reporting 'no such
player.' Maybe you just need to connect that player to SqueezeNetwork


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