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Please see below as these messages don't link up well on my screen.

pfarrell;364923 Wrote: 
> Mitchell J. Stein wrote:
> > I have a very simple question, and I'm not going to bore you with
> the
> > background of why I'm asking the question.  I have homes, home
> > theaters, family rooms, old klipsche speakers, bose 901 series III
> and
> > the rest of it.
> Do you still have your Large Advents? I still have two ( I gave two
> others to a buddy.) They aren't my main listening speakers, but I sure
> know what they sound like. They still bring a lot of bang for the
> buck,
> but you need a big amp to drive those old things. I started with a
> Dynaco ST120, and found that 400 watts or more helped a lot. (solid
> state, you could get away with less when using quality tube amps.
> >  As an audiophile (or at least a
> > "wantabee" audiophile, or a rusty one), I use my ears.
> That is the only thing that anyone can trust.
> > However, the IPOD home dock sounds good only on SOME rock 'n roll
> > songs.  On others, it sounds HARD, ONE DIMENSIONAL, IMPERSONAL and
> not
> > like the old ADVENTS I used to run against my 1968 "tube" McIntosh
> > amplifiers 30 years ago.  So, what to do? 
> First get something other than the iPod as a source.
> Second, to get real sounds, you can't use low end MP3 files.
> But we can help with that.
> Do you have a CD that you like? Say Dire Staits Brothers in Arms? or
> some old Byrds?
> > Do I spend $40,000 and  re-tube the joint alongside all this computer
> equipment?  Three
> > "experts" have told me "yes."
> They are either crooks, or think you have too much money.
> But you may have to spend a few thousand to get back in the game.
> > Is my problem the Z 5500 or the lack of a good DAC connected to my
> > IPOD?  Is the duet a good DAC?  
> The duet has a very decent DAC, when you feed it good sources.
> > What in the world is a DAC and why is  so important? 
> Digital to Analog Convertor. Its what converts bits to sound waves
> that
> you can feed to an amp to feed to your speakers.
> > Now, my second problem.  If the duet really does the trick and
> bypasses
> > the problem of my IPOD not having the proper DAC, then why am I not
> just
> > buying the Transporter? 
> You can do that, but I recommend you start lower, spend less, and make
> sure you are going the correct way.
> Where are you physically? You may find someone here that is willing to
> let you come to their house. For example, I live outside Washington
> DC.
> > Does the Transporter even have anything to do with DAC? 
> The Transporter contains a DAC.
> The Duet contains a DAC, it just costs less than the one in the
> Transporter.
> > C.  Are the people at DECCO correct when they say "no DAC makes a
> > difference if you don't have the old "tubes," "audiophile," "70s
> > equipment"?  This is illogical to me
> They are blowing smoke.
> Pat
> Pat, thanks for the comprehensive post.  It really helps because I am
> impulsive and was capable of buying all kinds of wasteful things.  I am
> new to this forum, and can't figure out how you are able to post in blue
> responsive to each question.  Kind of neat.  I'll figure it out
> eventually.  Here's some responses and why your answers were helpful:
> 1.  I still have the Advents (the speakers are such that the word
> Advent must always be capitalized).  If the Duet doesn't completely
> solve the problem, I'm bringing them out and replacing the woofers in
> the process.  But after seeing the posts, and reading yours carefully,
> my opinion is "not so fast."  I want to see what the Duet does.  I told
> DECCO to take a hike.  In any event, I originally ran the Advents off a
> 1978 Pioneer SX-1280.  I remember listening to Boston and Zeppelin and
> The Beatles and Wings off of them 12 hours per day in my college dorm
> room.  I was at Indiana U.  My dorm mates would be competing with the
> Grateful Dead, who I never much liked but respected that they got off
> on it.  So I would just shove Achilles Last Stand down their throat on
> the Advents (even if I had to play it 30 straight times) and they'd
> leave for the day.  It seems like yesterday and nothing I've seen has
> sounded that good since.  However, in a spring cleaning with my x-wife
> (note I said "x"), she sold "the monster" Pioneer (which was also quite
> beautiful) in a yard sale circa 1988 for $100.  Obviously, we were
> divorced within a few years from that fateful day.  (I was practicing
> law and only interested in my car stereo at the time.)
> 2.  Thanks for the comment on the IPOD.  You'd be surprised.  If
> somebody would just "say it," then us people who are trying to make a
> comeback can make the right moves.  Everybody is saying something
> different.  Apple is trying to get me to buy a different docking
> station.  Then there is this other company called Sonos?  Who put them
> into my life?  Using pure logic, I figured that the source was "bad,"
> just like having a bad turntable 30 years ago or a bad tape deck circa
> same.  But nobody will just COME OUT AND SAY IT like you did.  I'm
> keeping the sound dock, but only for smaller uses (maybe on my boat). 
> I'm gonna make sure that the duet is not the answer.  You are right. 
> Most prudent way to go.  However, if duet is the answer, I would
> appreciate somebody telling me what extra "ya yas" I would experience
> from the Transporter.  The thing looks nice on the website.  There's
> got to be some technology in there!  I'm pretty sure the MPEG-4 format
> is good.  That is what I'm using, so maybe the duet will lead me in the
> right direction.  Is that right?
> 3.  I have an audiophile-worthy CD player and also a large home
> threater "on the other side of the house" with a huge Sony system
> installed by "professionals."  (It sounds "just OK" and "came with the
> house.")  In any event, the only disks I still have that I like are the
> entire Eagles collection and 10 visual concerts (DVDs) of Clapton.
> 4.  I am in Pittsburgh and would love any assistance if you know how to
> get someone here.  This little room I've developed is like a sanctuary
> to rock 'n roll (I was at the first three pink floyd concerts as a
> kid), bodybuilding, roberto clemente and the steelers.  Then, I've got
> a Computer Tower with a large monitor with 6 hard drives each holding
> 500GB.  And then, I've got this huge television (new phillips) to watch
> the games and movies.  That is where the problem has come in.  All of
> the experts have been wrong so far.  They are nickel and diming me. I
> got two new IPOD docking stations.  No good.   Larger speaker wire.  No
> good.  A new generation IPOD in which I went through the brain damage of
> downloading my ITUNES four times until I got it right -- developing 8
> new playlists -- I mean, complete and total maniacal and wasteful work.
> No difference.  (The IPOD guy said the new generation IPOD had the
> "finest DAC made;" that is the first time I heard the phrase "DAC.")
> Because the TV sounds great out of the Z5500, I have not pulled out the
> Advents from the basement and gone for a new receiver . . . yet.  I will
> do that next, but you seem to be saying "not so fast" and the duet will
> be here Tuesday.  I'll tell you how it goes.  I hope it is not too hard
> to hook up.  
> 5.  Your comment about DECCO.  LMFAO.  I ordered the unit, but
> cancelled the order on the Internet this morning after reading your
> post.  If they shipped it (40 watts per channel or something; what was
> I thinking?), I am sending it back w/letter to follow.  But don't laugh
> at me too much before first looking at their misleading advertisement
> and realize what my issues are.  It looked like it was "the answer." 
> Click here to see their misleading advertisement on this exact issue: 
> http://www.signalpathint.com/images/stories/Brochures/decco_brochure_v2.pdf
> Hell, they even say that you need their system if you are buying a
> duet?  Now, after reading your post, it is a little clearer.  I've just
> got to see if duet's DAC makes a difference in "my own ears" and if it
> does, I then hook up a squeezebox in every room in the house (I already
> have good systems throughout the house) and . . . bingo.  But how about
> DECCO?  What are they doing man?  Convincing a perfectly good, albeit
> slightly damaged, brain who has listened to his share of music so that
> he knows it all by heart (note for note, word for word), to buy a 40
> watt per channel, two channel, amplifier?  Pretty sick.
> Am willing to spend what is needed "to get back in the game" but I want
> to incorporate the new stuff because it is obviously important since all
> my music is now in digital format.
> I also need some help with my theater room.  The screen is the size of
> a theater and something is missing on the sound.  The rack has 10
> components on it and it all works off of some gigantic remote control. 
> I'll post on that later.  You seem to know your stuff.  I am tired of
> having the experts come out and sell me.  They want me to turn the pool
> lights, the outside lights, the garbage disposal and the jacuzzi on and
> off with the theater room remote control.  Things are getting bad here.
> "Got to get down to it.  Soldiers are cutting us down."
> Thanks Pat!
> -- 
> Pat Farrell
> http://www.pfarrell.com/

Mitchell J. Stein
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