Puh, that'S a lot of questions out here. On Features, see the comments
at the end of the post.

wiped;365280 Wrote: 
> Being able to get that option for new music would also be awesome, to
> play all new albums vi a single press.

All 200? I'll see...

jazztime;365317 Wrote: 
> Slimdevices must have problems selling their Controller now.
Well, as long as they sell a few more transporters this way, they might
not care too much...
> - when browsing - is it possible to show the total playing time of each
> album after you have chosen an artist? And to show the playing time of
> each track when you have chosen an album?
Good idea. Will check
> Finaly, I think I found a possible minor bug:
Yes :-). Fixed in 1.0.3

Jac;365352 Wrote: 
> Aahhh. I had missed out on that... Ah but wait a minute....now that I
> tried it I am noticing that it is not sorting my compilations the same
> way as it is on my duet controller.  On the Duet if I have multiple
> artists on an album it will display as "various artist".  In Ipeng it
> takes one of the artist name.  But on a few case I notice that Ipeng
> will display "various artist" for some compilations.  This smells like
> a long evening fixing my tags.  I suspect that I need to but an album
> artist as various Artist if I want to display various artist for all my
> compilations??
That's actually a SqueezeCenter issue. So it will take at least until
7.3.1 and another iPeng update to fix this
> That being said I would still like to see an Album sort method as a
> setting feature when I tap Album:)
> ...
> The reason I would want to is to keep it consistent with the Duet
> Controller.  But I am sure that this is where we can get different
> opinions, depending on different preferences.  In my case it is clear
> that the more it is in line with the duet controller the happier I am
My philosophy (stated!) is to be as close to the iPhone UI. Which
means: don't have too many pickers and things where it can be avoided.
twynne;365362 Wrote: 
> This might have been requested/suggested, but it would be nice if there
> were a progress bar somewhere (an 'Info' screen maybe) that shows the
> current status of the library download.  You could optionally add a
> 'show detail' section that tells what is currently downloading, etc.
Good idea!
> As it stands I'm not sure if there's a bug or if I'm just not waiting
> long enough, but I don't seem to get any artwork despite it being in my
> library.  For reference, I have:
> 546 albums with        5414 songs by   993 artists.  

That's not really a large library. Have you restarted iPeng? (NOT
re-INSTALLING, just quit and restart after the import).

hdarwen;365436 Wrote: 
> Nope. I use browse by year via the web interface all the time. Be really
> good if it could be added under "More" to iPeng.
Other votes on this? It's not a big thing to do, just another view
controller to fill up the UI...

ch1525;365449 Wrote: 
> Oh yes, I've been clamoring for that one, too! :-)
ianr;365454 Wrote: 
> Just wondering however; am I the only one who misses the 'classic'
> interface?
> I find this 'apple-ized' interface less intuitive than the original.
> Maybe it just needs to settle in... 
Hopefully, since this is unlikely to change soon :-)

Regarding features/functions (I didn't answer in detail above):
- iPeng in the future will support all plugins that are supported on
the Controller and do NOT requite LUA (which would violate Apple's T&C)
plus likely some others, most notably it will also have the "NowPlaying
centric" plugin feature of the skin. That's with a 1.1 release, I don't
yet have a due date for that
- Short term, I do have an 1.0.3 update that we are currently trying to
get out to Apple (having some trouble with the Code Signing on the 2.2
SDK - we are obviously not alone on this, Apple's dev forum is full of
it). This Upgrade will focus on the bugs reported so far (Artwork
rescaling, wrong sort orders, some crash scenarios) plus:
- Performance improvement for large libraries (sorting in
background thread)
- Browse Music Folder
- experimental WOL (you have to add the MAC manually)

Regarding requests to show additional information in the existing
menus. I will check this, but this is always about balancing different
aspects: How cluttered do I want my UI? How fast do I want the app to
Especially importing additional artists can have a huge impact on
performance so I don't promise anything here, my current favorite is to
offer a "details" page that would show all this.
Playing Times and years may be less of an issue (years are not), ao
I'll check for that.


see iPeng at penguinlovesmusic.com
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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=55514

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