haraldo;365678 Wrote: 
> Check out these links
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=250335844365
> http://www.audioholics.com/news/editorials/monster-call-to-arms
> Is there any way to get the big chains to stop carrying Monster
> products?

Not likely.  The markup on such "incidentals" are where the retailers
really make their margins.  The actual hardware (tv, stereo, computer,
etc..) are so competitive the markups are usually quite slim.  Monster
is a marketing machine and a well known brand name.  The retailers can
draw from this and make big $$$ selling them.

I wouldn't use a Monster cable even if they were free (for the issues
mentioned in this thread and other issues).  But their target market of
the uninformed and gullible will always be there to buy up their
overpriced merchandise.

Beyond doing what you are doing, spreading the word, there is little
that can be done to get the big retailers to stop carrying such a
brand.   :(

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