I think I understand why a browser based UI was chosen (cross platform
compatible, network friendly, portable, yadda yadda). And for many
applications, a web UI is good enough. 

Unfortunately all of these browser interfaces suffer from =seriously=
rudimentary file management ability... and while some advanced
web-based file management features do exist, they tend to be platform

No drag and drop.
No multiple item selection/actions (check boxed lists are a poor hack)
No contextual actions available off of individual items (i.e. "right
click" or hover options).

In addition... they  waste valuable screen real estate with unnecessary
"internet nav chrome", consistently have cache, screen refresh, and/or
cookie problems... the list goes on.

If foobar had the ability to communicate directly with Slimserver, I'd
use it in a heartbeat over the web UI. It may not be sexy... but at
least it allows you to manage multiple files the right way.


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