JJZolx Wrote: 
> It should work pretty much the same as SlimServer running on a computer,
> complete with web interface.  My biggest reservations about the Infrant
> installation of SlimServer are that you can't load any plugins that
> Infrant doesn't include in the installation, you have no direct access
> to the SlimServer installation files, and you can't do nightly or SVN
> updates.  Infrant didn't even install all of the standard skins on
> their first release of 6.0.  They've recently released 6.1 and 6.1.1
> and they're listening to customers for feedback, so later releases may
> be a bit more flexible.
> Another reservation I have about running SlimServer on these appliances
> is that they have limited CPU horsepower.  They may be "acceptable"
> speed-wise (and I suspect the ReadyNAS is more powerful than the other
> devices that can run SlimServer) but it remains to be seen how they'll
> perform with very large libraries.  For me I think it'll be worth
> investing $500-$800 for a dedicated box to run SlimServer, plus maybe
> some other server based stuff.

hi JJ,

thanks for this helpful info!  in my case, it's not a problem if no
other plugins are available - i use slimserver right out of the box,
with the default skin.  and, not having access to the slimserver files
is similarly no sweat.  as long as it plays music, that's really all i
care about.  :)

i was wondering if you know about the database functions of slimserver.
it must be that some type of database software either lives on the
ReadyNAS, or is part of infrant's image.  else, how could you add new
music to your library?  :)  do you know how this database function is

and lastly, do you know what would happen if my pc was turned on, and
now there are two copies of slimserver running simultaneously? 
naturally, i could turn off the automatic loading of slimserver when
linux boots up, but it might be nice to have access to it
occassionally.  would the whole system "get confused" if two
slimservers were running?

thanks in advance for your guidance!  i appreciate learning as much as
i can about this great, new technology and what you can do with it ...

kind regards,


"you are only young once, but you can be immature forever"
"life is uncertain; eat dessert first" - anonymous

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