Howard Passman;377237 Wrote: 
> Don't be so quick to dismiis it simply because you're lucky.  Andy G of
> Logitech doesn't think it's a minor issue and neither do us folks who
> pay for the service but can't get it.  If it works for you great, but
> don't dismiss the less fortunate.  Someday you may be in a similar
> situation and want backing.
> Howard

Trust me - I'm not dismissing it. I have my share of issues with
Rhapsody on my Squeezeboxes. I'm just saying that Slim/Logitech sell
(tens of) thousands of Squeezeboxes in the States alone - yet there's
only a handful of Rhapsody subscribers reporting issues here on the

Do the math. That's all I'm saying.

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