I'm hoping a kind soul will help out a Mac know-nothing.  I'm a PC guy,
and have an NTFS formatted external USB HD that contains about 250 GB
of mp3's.  I want to make a copy of this HD and allow a sister to
access it from her Mac.  Can someone help me as to compatibility
issues?  I understand that FAT32 is the only format that both a PC and
Mac can read/write to, correct?  I read conflicting reports about
problems accessing large files on a FAT32 drive, but no single mp3 is
over the size limit.  Are there other considerations?  I also am
vaguely aware of third party software products that might help with the
conversion...for example, is there software for the Mac that would allow
it to see an NTFS drive?

I'm a long time SlimDevices devotee and appreciate the help!

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