Agreed (about the wireless).  Name brand *stereo* blue tooth combos are 
about $100US (transmitter & receiver).  And, with that setup you can 
probably pair your receiver with your cellphone.

Most *stereo* head phones I've seen have remote control capabilities. 
But (as intreaging as it sounds) integrating that into a SqueezeCenter 
network would be difficult.**

rainjacks wrote:
> Consider a longer headphone cord as well.  Or possibly wireless
> headphones.

**(You probably need access to the blue tooth receiver "guts" to do 
this.  I can only think of one possible way: Use a iPod blue tooth 
transmitter and decode the iPod's serial port control emanating from it. 
  You still need to get that back to the SqueezeCenter software running 
on your computer / server box.  Best way, probably, would be to develop 
the ASK IR codes and blast the SB w/them.  Hum, probably could do that 
w/a 8051 derivative chip, PIC or Atmel easy.  Hum, this might not be a 
bad project after all.)

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