Tubebox;385415 Wrote: 
> 3. Both HDs are mounted on their same respective mount points each time
> the Mac boots?
> What is the mount point? If it's simply a place on a desktop I don't
> know, I think they are at the same place.

I'm not familiar with how this happens under Mac OS. The easiest way to
check would be to open a terminal session and against the prompt type:


followed by pressing return.

This should give a list of mounted partitions, similar to the following
and including your external HDs showing the mount point.

/dev/disk0s2 on / (local, journaled)
devfs on /dev (local)
fdesc on /dev (union)
<volfs> on /.vol
/dev/disk2 on /Volumes/Data (local, journaled)



followed by pressing return will give similar information and may be
easier to understand.

Close the terminal session by typing:


followed by pressing return.

Reboot the Mac and run the mount command and the df command again. The
lists should be the same.

> 4. An 'alias' on a Mac is the same as a symbolic link?
> I think it is!

Assuming it is, they should point to the subdirectories on the external
drives with a path as shown by the mount and df commands above.

> 7. SqueezeCenter starts after all internal and external disk partitions
> are mounted?
> Well NO, it wasn't! I have recently changed that, I will see soon if
> anything changes.

It wasn't starting at all or it was starting -before- the HDs were

> 8. When you shut down Mac OS, SqueezeCenter stops before the two
> external HDs are unmounted?
> I think it does, but I'm not sure.

If it starts after they are mounted then it probably stops before they
are unmounted. It is worth checking.

Mick Seymour
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