It wasn't starting at all or it was starting -before- the HDs were

If it starts after they are mounted then it probably stops before they
are unmounted. It is worth checking.

No, I think I unmounted and remounted the same HD drive while SC has been
But I will certainly check the  thing with terminal it might help.
In the meanwhile, here what terminal says now on mount and df commands:

Last login: Fri Jan 16 20:24:58 on console
Macintosh:~ viktorjovic$ mount
/dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
fdesc on /dev (fdesc, union)
map -hosts on /net (autofs, automounted)
map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted)
/dev/disk0s3 on /Volumes/NO NAME (msdos, asynchronous, local, noowners)
/dev/disk2s1 on /Volumes/My Book 1 (msdos, local, nodev, nosuid,
/dev/disk1s1 on /Volumes/My Book (msdos, local, nodev, nosuid, noowners)
Macintosh:~ viktorjovic$ df
Filesystem    512-blocks      Used Available Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/disk0s2    94109696  52522048  41075648    57%    /
devfs                216       216         0   100%    /dev
fdesc                  2         2         0   100%    /dev
map -hosts             0         0         0   100%    /net
map auto_home          0         0         0   100%    /home
/dev/disk0s3    22406800  13453312   8953488    61%    /Volumes/NO NAME
/dev/disk2s1   624984640  45656960 579327680     8%    /Volumes/My Book
/dev/disk1s1   976529472 420266624 556262848    44%    /Volumes/My Book
Macintosh:~ viktorjovic$ 
Macintosh:~ viktorjovic$

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