Just a cautionary anecdote :

You are certainly not alone in a wirelless world :)

I was away at work for two weeks when I fired up my sqeeze things it
borked completely gaah :-/ .

Things also tends to coincide a lot for me.

what i did, I upgraded my server to latest nightly and tried out a new
controller fw, and then all my wirelless players got severe
connectivity issues !
SBC,SBR and SB3 

Hmm did the usual routine clear caches and reset xilinks after uppgrade
to no avail, but then i found out that SqueezPlay was all happy and did
play and was at the server all the time the "SqueezePlay" machine is
wired, aha!

logged in to router, watching my stuff going on and of from the
SqueezeCenters info don't show this kind of trouble as signal strenght
is ok between drop outs .

The tomato router fw has wireless survey function not as good as
netstumbler but sufficient for purpose.
"They" did it again ! "They" are my neighbours , two new routers or AP
on MY channel, aptly named "default" and "dlink" something.

So this years channel is ch1 last year was ch6 and two years ago i was
on ch11

So I have this slow game with my neighbours, when we shuffle channels

The piont with this tale ?

1. Wirelles is not constant, you have be aware of that. Things that's
been working for years wont stay that way forever.

2. Sods or Murphy's law is also at work here when number 1 occurs you
have probably done a lot of other changes the same week, reinstalled a
computer changed SC bought a new router or similar, so you are
initially confused about the real source of your trouble.

3. Maintaining one wired player is a good way to quickly discover the
real truoble. If wired player works, SqueezeCenter works.
SqueezePlay is a good choice as it emulates a controller but wired.
So SqueezePlay on a machine that is wired but NOT on the server is a
quicker way the check this than reconfigure one player for wired
Of course there is probably cases when wiring a real SB is the only way
to investigate.

4. Don't kill the messenger, take a deep breath and investigate further
before blaming SC.


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