pippin;401516 Wrote: 
> Here's something I'm currently experimenting with for 1.1:
> I plan to add the TrackInfo screen (which has a lot of links, too) as a
> 4th "mode". This would then not play anything but enter that menu. Would
> that do it? Or is that too complicated?

Something simple will do, as long as users won't accidentally touch
song while scrolling the playlist.

I am not too sure which is more complicated. 

Thanks for consideration.



Tajima Power Conditioner  Squeezebox 3 / Cambridge Audio 540C
V2  VDL The Source (CA) / AQ Copperhead (SB3)  Krell
KAV-400xi  Chord Carnival Silver Plus / VDL Goldwater (current)
 Sonus Faber Concertino Domus  Supra 2.5 LoRad power
cord (CA & Krell)

iMac 2.4 Ghz, 4GB DDR RAM, Mac OS X 10.5.6 - SC Version: 7.3.2 - 24695
@ Tue Jan 20 2009  - Firmware : 123

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