On 18-Aug-05, at 7:00 AM, dannyg wrote:


I'm not having problems.  I don't want to force anything on anybody,
its just that I thought that having those settings as a default would
make your plugin work a little better.

ah, I see.

Being able to see the song name that is playing imediately after
pressing PLAY or FWD is preferable to just displaying the word ALBUM
for 20 seconds, or however long your screensaver timout is set to.

i believe this is the same behaviour as it is from any browse mode. If you play something, it simply stays where it is. I'm not sure that every user would like it to change prefs. However, it could make sense to jump to now playing after PLAY, since in this case, its not really a browse mode.

Let's just see what Dan does with integrating it.


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