seanadams wrote:
> servies;408287 Wrote: 
>> You're all perfectly right in your comments that (draft) N routers
>> perfectly work with G devices and that the Squeezebox family also works
>> perfectly with draft N networks...
> I'm not sure you actually got what I was saying.
>> But that's not the point... At the moment you have mixed G and (draft) N
>> devices you're practically running 2 separate wireless networks.
> What do you mean? 
>> If you have hardly any connection between you Squeezebox device and a G
>> router because of walls, distance etc. you probably will have hardly
>> any connection between your Squeezebox device and a (draft) N router.
> If you're suggesting that a N router is no better than a G router as
> far as G clients are concerned, you are wrong! In fact G clients do
> benefit from the multipath reception capabilities of an N access
> point.
>> When the Squeezebox gets an upgrade with a (draft) N wireless card you
>> can disable the G type network and be N only...
> Sorry but you really have this wrong. You are under the misconception
> that G devices slow down N devices, in the way that B devices slow down
> G devices. It is simply not true. You should test it if you don't
> believe me. Do a file transfer between to an N device across your
> wireless LAN, then turn off all your G devices and do it again.
MyD-link 633 seems to think there's some advantage to be had in using 
N-only mode:

"If all of the wireless devices you want to connect with this router can 
connect in the same transmission mode, you can improve performance 
slightly by choosing the appropriate "Only" mode. If you have some 
devices that use a different transmission mode, choose the appropriate 
"Mixed" mode."

Also using a mixed mode precludes you from using the 5 Ghz N-mode, and 
as Wikipedia says:
"To achieve maximum throughput a pure 802.11n 5 GHz network is recommended."

So there seem to be some disadvantages.
I don't worry about them and run a mixed network in which my SB's and 
server are wired.


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