seanadams;408409 Wrote: 
> I'm not sure you actually got what I was saying.
But I did.
> What do you mean?
Very simple: The G network is not the same 'physical' (mind the quotes)
as the N network.

> If you're suggesting that a N router is no better than a G router as far
> as G clients are concerned, you are wrong! In fact G clients do benefit
> from the multipath reception capabilities of an N access point.
Oh, sure it does benefit, but compare it to a N network and the gain in
usable range isn't that great... 

> Sorry but you really have this wrong. You are under the misconception
> that G devices slow down N devices, in the way that B devices slow down
> G devices. It is simply not true. You should test it if you don't
> believe me. Do a file transfer between to an N device across your
> wireless LAN, then turn off all your G devices and do it again.
Ehh... I see no point where I say that a G device slows down a N device
and I know that's not the case... I just said it out of pure simplicity:
if you have all N devices why would you still enable the G network?...
Hmmm, I never thought about my smartphone...


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