nmacfarl;413936 Wrote: 
> I downloaded 1.1, and then I downloaded the new 2.2.1 ipod touch
> firmware.
> Ipeng now dies when I start it. It starts up, then disappears. I have
> powered off the touch and restarted, same thing
> Any ideas ?

Well, looks like iPeng 1.1 has some trouble with the old settings. I
was not able to reproduce this, but that doesn't mean a lot.

As you've found out: Re-Installing seems to help. Another hint would be
to try to start it up with in Airline mode/with WiFi disabled.
Re-Starting it then after enabling communication again also sometimes
seems to help (we had a similar issue in earlier updates as well).

jvandervort;413938 Wrote: 
> I play an album (queues the entire thing), add three random songs from
> other albums, then try to remove some of the songs from the album I
> started with...crash.
> Oh well:)

Hm... Did you try to delete the currently playing song?
I am aware the current playlist is still a bit nasty. 1.2 will be all
about cleaning up the NowPlaying screens.

PRGeno;413939 Wrote: 
> Some of my players have a nice slider for volume control in the now
> playing screen.  Other players have an odd up down arrow with a ramp
> volume display.
> How can I get them all to have the same controls?

As Aesculus already said, this has to do with IRBlaster. It is supposed
to help IRBlaster users to still be able to use volume controls.

Unfortunately it looks like IRBlaster leaves it's settings in the
preferences even when it's not activated. The problem here is, that
iPeng just relies on the settings since there's no way to detect
whether a plugin is enabled.

OK, here's how to get rid of this (in SC):
- Enable IRBlaster in "plugins" (or install it using the Extension
- Go to the offending player's settings
- Select IR Blaster settings
- Remove any settings for "Volume Up"
- Press Apply

You may disable IRBlaster afterwards.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at penguinlovesmusic.com
pippin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13777
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=62245

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