erland;414250 Wrote: 
> The question is just what it's worth without the lead developers of
> MusicIP. 
> If the knowlege of the MusicIP architecture and source code has been
> transfered to other persons in the company there has to be a business
> opportunity for Logitech. However, if this isn't the case the value for
> Logitech might just be the patents and algorithms behind the mixing and
> analyzing logic, which might be hard to use without the lead
> developers. The fact that nothing has been released for almost a year
> is a bit worrying.
> MusicIP is unique and it offers a mixing functionality which is
> something SqueezeCenter IMHO really needs to take the next step.

I agree that it would be a lot harder to integrate without the lead
developers and lead architect. But... assuming there is nothing there
execept for the patents and algorithms... Logitech can dedicate a small
developers team to decipher the architecture and code. This way they can
save themselves the time and pain required to develop something similar
from scratch. What if a competitor like Sonos were to get a hold of
MusicIP's intellectual capital? They "might" modify the server to
restrict existing clients. Not to mention that if they own the patents
they might use them to extract licensing fees. Of course, I'm
speculating here as I don't know if MusicIP is available for purchasing
or licensing. If it were available, during negotiations and under a NDA,
Logitech can uncover details to see if it is worth acquiring it or
licensing it. Again, I'm not disagreeing with your statements above, I
just like to be a little bit more optimistic and believe that there is
something there that Logitech can use to enhance SC. Withhout having to
re-invent the wheel, Logitech could integrate MusicIP in SC and even
keep MusicIP as an independent entity to generate additional revenue if
they acquire them. Something similar to what Logitech did with SD. With
a little injection of capital and some good marketing MusicIP can be
into a standard for digital music mixes... not only for SC, but for
other digital music player.

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