I think some of the problem is that many of the third party devices
won't be bought by many customers because they lack the Logitech
branding or "seal of approval".  You see a lot of queries such as "what
is the best NAS?" or "what is the best router?" etc.

I think that SD could steal a leaf from Sonos's book (but using open
not proprietary software) and produce their own NAS and wi-fi
networking equipment.  That way people unsure of setting up wi-fi
networks or NAS devices could buy something that may not be "the best",
but is at least good enough for SD / Logitech to put their name on and
to back with their support systems.

This could be rebadged Netgear, Linksys (or whoever) stuff, maybe with
cosmetic enhancements, a modified firmware and tweaked to maximise
compatibility with other SD equipment.  Prime candidates would be:

- SqueezeNas - hardware server pre-loaded with monster hard disk and
the latest SqueezeCenter
- SqueezeNet - WAP or router designed to run Squeezeboxes on a
dedicated wi-fi network.

I would be less concerned about a self-contained amplified Receiver. 
Most people are used to plugging new hardware into the Aux socket of an
existing hi-fi.

However SD could produce a -matching- amp and/or speakers though. 
Maybe a T-amp and sensitive speakers or powered speakers.  Many of us
with wives understand the importance of good looking and matching
equipment in garnering sales.

A rich but very tech un-savvy friend of mine bought Sonos not because
of any technical superiority, but simply because he could buy it all
from one place, it all looked cosmetically similar and it all worked
together out of the box.  He didn't need a server (he has no CDs -
ex-wife has them all!) he just bought it for use with Napster.

He is very happy.  When I told him the likely setup he would have
needed to assemble for a SqueezeBox arrangement he was not enthusiastic
- even though it would have saved him a thousand or two.

There are lots of people out there like him, and not all of them are
rich enough to afford Sonos gear.



SB Duet (Controller + two receivers)
Synology Diskstation 107+ with FW 2.0-0731
SqueezeCenter 7.3.2 on Synology Package Manager
Naim 42/110 amp, B&W CM2 speakers in living room.
Denon DM37 mini-system, B&W 686 speakers in kitchen.
LPs ripped using Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap, Behringer UCA202.
TheLastMan's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16021
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=62455

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