audiofi wrote:

>For someone who has a 
>computer and an iPod but has no idea how to do much else, it is a very 
>daunting task.


Maybe I'm over-simplifying but I'd say that if someone can use an iPod,
then they would have no problems using a Squeezebox.

I don't have an iPod, but I'd guess there must be some sort of
'server'-side app which runs on a users' PC to sync the iPod with the
music database.  If I'm correct in this assumption, then that would
surely equate to the slimserver application.

Other than that, the hardware performs much the same function.  In the
same way that you can probably run an iPod through desktop PC speakers,
you can do the same with a Squeezebox.  The major difference is that you
can run Squeezebox through your stereo (which, as I understand it you
can't do with an iPod without some additional hardware).

So if there is some sort of 'server'-side software for the iPod, then
I'd reckon it would be an easy transition from iPod to SB...


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