audiofi Wrote: 
> Even with this, business is very slow and I think the problem is that
> people simply don't understand the technology and an advert in a
> paper/magazine still doesn't really explain it fully, I have to offer a
> free demo before hand.  Once I get my foot in the door, the product
> sells itself, the problem is getting that first step.

I totally agree... 4 years ago I bought a TiVo and would discuss it
with people who were unable to differentiate it from a standard VCR.
Now that Sky have spent millions advertising their Sky+ product "Joe
Public" is beginning to "get" and now crave the concept of PVR/DVRs.
People who weren't interested in a TiVo 4 years ago wouldn't live
without a Sky+ PVR (a shame they didn't cotton on sooner and buy the
superior product, but there you go!)

It's all about raising awareness - having a streaming MP3 player in the
living room is not something people really need. Yet people will quite
happily sit in front of a PC and listen to music, or rip all their MP3s
for their iPod and still keep their CDs next to their HiFi.

With a streaming media server you buy the CD, rip it, put it in storage
garage and never play it again. It's about changing how people listen
(and manage) their music - simple, clear examples of the benefits of
streaming kit is required in mass media publications (Sunday papers,
for example). Obviously many of the benefits of streaming media apply
to all the manufacturers (Slim, DLink, Netgear, Roku etc.) but Squeeze
Network is a key differentiator in Slim Devices favour.

IMHO the inability to easily listen to the BBC will count as a big
negative for Joe Public UK. My parents listen to Radio Alba (Radio
Scotland, Radio nan Gaidheal for Gaelic, Real Audio stream) and if this
were available on Squeeze Network they'd be sold as would many other
avid BBC listeners. Unfortunately AlienBBC is beyond most people,
including my parents.

BBC Radio on Squeeze Network would be a killer feature - of course it
would be far better if the public funded BBC didn't use proprietary
encoding, but that's another issue (anyone know if they have any plans
to change to MP3 streaming?)

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