Downloaded SlimControl last night and I'm very impressed - running on an
old T-Mobile MDA with 3000+ artists and the speed is exceptional. Have
only played around it for an hour or so far but have a few suggestions
before I forget them:

1. A shuffle button (next to the repeat button) on the playlist screen
would be nice. Can I shuffle from elsewhere at the moment?

2. The three buttons for adding/inserting etc. to the playlist are
intuitive I thought and are perfectly good.

3. It would be nice if that after the very first time I select an
artist it doesn't go off and fetch all 3000+ album details straight
away, but recognises this is the first time I'd seleced an artist since
loading so just goes and fetches the album details for that artist.
Maybe go and get the rest of the album details after the software
recognises I haven't touched it for a couple of minutes?

4. Love the touch scrolling, but like others I'm accidentally select
songs etc. quite regularly. Is it possible to invisibly split the screen
in half vertically, and have the left hand side for selecting and the
right hand side for scrolling (with selecting disabled on the scrolling

Otherwise superb - love it!

Cheers, Paul

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