I've been a Squeezebox owner since the SB1 first came out.  I had been
running pretty well with the 5.3 version of the server for quite a
while.  Yesterday something posessed me to see how 6.x was, so I
downloaded 6.1.1 and installed it.  

That didn't work well at all.  The server came up like it was happy and
the player connected to it, but whenever I tried to play a song the
server executable crashed.  I called support and got some pointers
about using iTunes but nothing worked.  So I rolled back to v5,
installing 5.4.1.

Now I've got a different problem.  The player connects to the server
and does play music.  It'll play a song through without dropouts.  But
at the end of the song, the player goes dark and quiet for a couple of
minutes.  Then it picks up at the beginning of the next song in the
playlist and plays it through.

I'm kicking myself for fixing what wasn't broke.  But I thought I would
try the newer versions.  Anyone have any thoughts on what is going on

Wireless SB1
Windows XP SP2
Using iTunes
About 7000 songs in the library.


- Jeff

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