Good morning to all the forum!
I'm selling a brand new Squeezebox Duet. The package includes a remote
control unit, similar to and ipod in functionality, this has a 6cm LCD
and can display album covers, and a receiver, a device that plays the
Now with the lastest firmware the remote can play audio different to
that of the remote.  The receiver can be connected to your network
through a LAN cable or via WIRELESS, the remote is only wireless.  The
Duet can play any audio format, internet radio, podcast, etc.

How it works, 'VIDEO1'
(, 'VIDEO2'
(, 'VIDEO3'

Some useful reviews, 'USA Today'
'Sirius Buzz' (,
'Trusted Reviews'

This is an unwanted gift, it's still in its cellophane wrapping, *I
received two as a gift the same day*, so at moment I've got two of them
now, and *I'm selling the unopen one*.  I just love it, it's connected
to my home speakers and sounds great, if you buy more than one you can
create a multi-room audio system, for example, one Duet is connected in
the lounge and the other in the bedroom, and with both the remotes you
can control both the rooms (receiver), and eventually play the same
thing or two different audio source into the rooms.  Everything is
included in the box, the wireless remote, the receiver, the cables, CD
and manuals.

The official retail price of the Duet in Europe is € 349,
*_I'm_selling_this_Squeezebox_Duet_for_£209_/_€239,_it's_brand_new!_* I
can ship by tracked courier in Europe the same day of payment via
PayPal.  To contact me, send a *Private Message* through this forum or
send me an email to: *SU.QUESTA*nospam*(AT)GMAIL.COM*, from the email
address above take out the word "nospam" and replace "(AT)" with a "@".
Best regards to everyone, have a nice day.

|Filename: LogitechSqueezeboxDuetretro.jpg                          |

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