Thanks for the tip re purchasing in France or Italy.  I suppose I ought
to invest some $$$ now in FXE in anticipation of making this purchase a
year or two down the road.

Streaming: I asked this question when the Jive was in development...and
the answer still isn't intuitively obvious to me:

For a handheld device like the iThing, I assume that I won't be able to
discern much of a audio difference on play-back between lossless and
lossy content.  I also assume that using the iThing's CoreAudio stuff to
decode MP3 audio is easier to implement than a port of libflac.  So,
given those two assumptions, what's the trade-off for making streaming
playback work on the iThing?  Server-side transcoding to MP3 with iPeng
connecting as http://scip:9000/stream.mp3 like any other mp3 player?  Or
make iPeng into some kind of a stripped-down SqueezePlay client capable
of receiving a flac stream and decoding it?  Which is more likely to
drain the battery faster?  Higher bandwith requirements for the flac
stream but lower cpu utilization for decoding? (That's flac's big
strength, right?) Or lower bandwidth requirements to receive the MP3
stream but higher cpu utilization to decode it?

Or am I working with faulty assumptions here?

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