Hi All,

Thought I'd share with the board my big error over the weekend and also
to highlight the importance of backup!

I recently bought a 1tb external HDD to mirror my /storage folder on my
server (running vortexbox), its got about 450gb worth of music, photos
etc, I set this backup to run using rsync and it ran daily. Over the
weekend I travlled to my to parents house and brought the server with
me, on Sat I couldn't get Squeezecenter to run, I worked out this was a
space issue and from that noticed that the previous nights rsync job had
run without the External HDD plugged in and had filled the 20gb root
partition on the server.

I navigated to /media/externalHdd to delete the storage folder there
which had incorrectly been created with the backup job, however I made a
fatal mistake and instead of

rm -rf storage/*

I did 

rm -rf /storage/*

This then deleted the entire 450gb worth of music etc. ....it was too
late to change it once I realised.

Thankfully when I return home on weds my External HD will be there with
the server backed up from thurs (I hope nothing has happened to it!)
however I have been kicking myself ever since for the error !

Does anyone with Linux experience know of a smarter way of doing the
backup, I'm presuming something like a shell script which checks for the
external HDD being mounted before running the backup ?

Secondly is there a way of protecting the /storage part of the server
to stop running commands like the above, I log in as root when ever I'm
doing work on the server


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