bhaagensen;447407 Wrote: 
> But did it actually work reliably for you? It was always rather flaky
> for me, especially when going to 4x, or even worse 8x which was almost
> useless. It seemed many had the similar problems. Also I couldn't really
> recognise the sound when it was fast forwarding. AFAIK it wasn't playing
> the samples quicker (as a conventional CDP), but rather just skipping
> some.

Yes, it worked reliably for me.  I'd often go up to 64x to skip quickly
through a long piece of music to find the next gap.

It didn't work well if you fast-forward too far, i.e. through track
boundaries, but neither does the new mechanism.

I know some people seemed to have reliability issues, perhaps relating
to mis-use/mis-understanding of the feature.  After all, there's no
documentation.  I personally found it quite intuitive, as it was quite
similar to Sky+ fast-forward, and VCRs.

The audio effect was to play a snipit from the current scan position
periodically.  So no matter how fast you are scanning, it played at the
same speed.  It was good enough to detect where the sound had changed
significantly, so I knew when to stop fast-forwarding (by pressing

There's no reason why it couldn't have been incorporated into the new

eg. having got the progress bar up to adjust playback position, press
and hold << or >> to fast-forward through the track with audio.  Maybe
allow the speed of fast-forward/rewind to be adjusted to fine-tune the
position.  eg. the longer you hold the button down, the quicker it would
scan through the track.

Philip Meyer
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