>Audio scrubbing was a poorly implemented idea and I'm glad it's long
>gone.  Anyone who wants to try and implement audio-based scrubbing will
>soon realize why it was removed: it's an absolute nightmare to get right
>for all file formats, possibly with transcoding involved, and the stream
>possibly from a remote source.  Even the simple seeking we have now is
>complicated to get right.
Worked for me, for the file formats I used.

If it is hard for some formats, then it could have been disabled for those 
formats.  I still see it as removal of functionality that previously worked 
fine, and for me made the whole fast-foward functionality mainly useless.

It's why I now use an iPod Nano connected to line-in on a Boom box.

Other functionality, such as syncing music playback over multiple players 
was/is quite complicated to get right too, but that functionality wasn't 
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