On 07/08/09 14:25, daviseh wrote:

> THanks Robin - One last question. I am not sure about the
> lan_network_address. If the address of the NIC card in my desktop is
> per ipconfig and squeezecenter settings gives me that
> address as the server where do you find the lan_network_address. I
> assumed that was the static address I am assigning to the SBR.

It is - you choose the address. If your desktop has address, then try using

> I turned off the firewall but I keep losing the SBR. Squeezecenter
> finds it but ipeng and squeemote do not. Also, I can't switch to
> squeezenetwork and get a pin. I have gone from DHCP to static and back
> numerous times but can't seem to get it right.

If you've getting a connection to the server, then you've set up the SBR
OK. I'm not sure why you're having problems with the other things.


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