Quoting bgriffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> kdf Wrote:
> >
> > that depends.
> > are you using the latest 6.2 nightly build?
> > Have you made sure non of your playlists or shortcuts refer to the wma
> >
> > collection?
> > -kdf
> I'm using 6.1.1 which appears to be the most recent official version.

That's correct. Another official release is about a month or so away (6.2).  I'm
unaware whether 6.1.2 will be made an official release or not.

> I do not have any playlists or shortcuts, just a straight folder
> hierarchy and file naming conventions to keep it all straight.

That's a good start.  Lots of database cleanup has been part of the 6.2
pre-release builds.  Lots of new features and a few kinks.  If you are
cautious, you may prefer to try the 6.1.2 builds which are kept more to
critical fixes and stability.  This may resolve the issues you are seeing. They
are available here:



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