> Maybe the coders didn't take into
> consideration what happens if you change the music folder and do a
> rescan.  If so, it would be a bug.

2000+ reports, and many bugfixes that never get reported or never entered into
bugszilla, so I may be recalling this at less than 100%.  There was a bug or
two involving changing the music folder location and it was fixed.  I can't
recall which server version it was, or the exact symptoms of the problem. 
Hence why I often simply jump to the suggestion of trying the latest from the
Betas. Even if daily changelogs existed, it would be a lot of hunting to
confirm this type of thing. Restarting the server, is often a safe way to just
be certain that all changes have taken effect when faced with so many versions
of the software out in the wild.

> Usually, though, as kdf pointed out, the problem lies with having
> playlists or links/shortcuts in the music folder.  Version 6.2 betas
> correct a lot of the problems that existed in 6.1.x in that regard.

especially if some of those old playlists are still referring to the former
music folder locations. 6.0 started by string to add everything it found, and
has slowly been cleaned up.  6.1.1, and even 6.1.2 still catch data that may
not be desired.  Some debate still rages over what 6.2 should be collecting or
not :)

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