Goodsounds;456205 Wrote: 
> I personally don't get Twitter...I'd love to hear why you find this
> worthwhile, I could very well be missing something. Thanks

Twitter is the only "social network" I use - I like my online/real
personae to stay fairly separate, not least because of the work that I
do and the company I work for.  

The best thing about it is that it's an amazing real-time search
engine, and you pick up stuff you'd never hear about otherwise.  To give
an example, last weekend I found myself lying on a blanket in the middle
of a hidden park in the centre of London with 2,000 other people, most
of whom had dressed up to suit the theme, watching a cult film I'd never
heard of (to my shame!) and really enjoyed.

Now this may not be your thing, but it is mine, and I wouldn't have
found it without Twitter.  I also mainly follow people with interests
similar to mine, not celebrities which makes a difference I think.


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