Philip Meyer;459500 Wrote: 
> I have the "Show all 3rd party plugins" checkbox ticked.  No idea which
> ones that gives me, what table title they are listed under, etc, as
> there's not been much announcement or documentation explaining it.
> I assumed that setting only controlled the recommended 3rd party
> plugins, and any others would need to come from manually entered
> repositories.  I add 3rd party repositories to the list when I see
> plugin announcements, so I can see what plugins are available.  I don't
> really see why they should come up as separate tables.
Recommended plugin list is there by default.
Other third party plugin list are only there if you have the "Show all
3rd party plugins" check box ticked.

You can remove all manually added repositories which is available on
the wiki page that lists repositories. The checkbox described above will
add all plugins in these repositories automatically and they will appear
in the "Other third party plugins" list.

If you have manually registered repository urls, these will override
the "Show all 3rd party plugins" checkbox and you will get multiple

Philip Meyer;459500 Wrote: 
> In Recommended 3rd Party plugins, I have 2 plugins listed (assume there
> are more, but I have them installed, so they appear within "Active").
> In "Other 3rd party plugins", I have 6 listed.
> Adding all the other repository plugins together gives another 40 that
> are available for installation.  If I wanted to find one in particular,
> I'd have to know who the author was/what repo in order to know what
> table to look in to find it.
If you remove all your manually registered repository url, you will get
a lot larger "Other 3rd party plugins" list. All plugins now listed in
separate lists will then be moved into "Other 3rd party plugins".

The ONLY repositories you should need to register manually are those
not listed on the wiki page. In 7.3 this wasn't the case, then you had
to register all repositories to get not recommended plugins, but the new
checkbox in 7.4 takes care of this.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
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