MrSinatra;468608 Wrote: 
> so obviously, you've heard the bose wave stereo?  ;)
> i have one, and there is no way the sbradio could sound as good as it
> does.
> btw, you basically proved my point, you just admitted the boom sounds
> better, something i knew without listening.  how?  b/c its obvious.  sex
> with a hooker in haiti isn't something i need to try to know its a bad
> idea.
Yes, obviously I've heard plenty of Bose table radios. It's a rather
large "niche". They're adequate table radios IMO, but the audio quality
is nothing special, especially for $350. I have compared the Bose
closely with the mono Tivoli, and I think the mono Tivoli sounds much
more musical. But I've never heard the Bose side-by-side with an SB
Radio, or done enough careful listening to both (within a reasonable
time interval) to make a fair comparison.

And the Boom sounding better than the SB Radio is hardly a
controversial point. You have the same materials, similar DSP and other
engineering inside. That hardly proves that all stereo audio equipment
is superior to all mono equipment.

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