It's about sixteen shortcuts.
I could do it in three shortcuts, if it was just one shortcut per
physical device, but I've split each of those into multiple shortcuts
for two reasons:
- make mirroring to external devices one-to-one (some of my external
drives aren't as large as the internal plus each physical drive has a
couple of "new rips" folders, matching categories below - the new rips
get copied nightly to a single, attached external drive, things get
consolidated and re copied every couple of months
- easier access from the squeezebox web ui "home / music folder"

The notion in the first is that, if an internal drive fails, I can just
mount the matching external drives, change where the shortcuts point,
and I'm up and running. And I've got a mess of 500G drives. three'll
backup a 1.5TB drive - not buying a second 1.5T leaves me an extra
hundred bucks to spend on music :-)

The notion in the second is that, well, it can be overwhelming trying
to get to a particular album if a folder has more than 1K or so albums
in it. Or at least this was true in the 6.x server - haven't tried more
than two levels of folder hierarchy (i.e. shortcut->folder->album
folders)  in 7.

That make any sense? You're welcome to tell me I'm totally whacked -
it'll just confirm my suspicions :-)

Oh - I wouldn't manage data on a business server this way, that -would-
be whacked. There, for every 1G in internal storage, there'd be at least
three external backup drives (or maybe two plus a cloud backup)

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