Someone needs to have a discussion with the people running your
website/online order process for the UK as it's beyond a joke at this

When placing my first order for the Radio a couple of weeks ago, I had
various problems with the website and eventually managed to place the
order.  The first order just disappeared and could not be traced, so I
ordered again.  I then received 2 Radios.

Wanting the battery for my Radio and watching the site for it to
appear, I noticed it went up for pre-order last week.  Any attempt to
pre-order just throws an error.  I then wasted 15 minutes on the phone
with ecommerce support trying to 1) convince them that it takes a
battery at all, 2) explain to them that the battery doesn't come with
it, 3) try to place the order online.  Having failed at #3, they opened
a ticket for the ordering issue and I've, as yet, heard nothing.

Also wanting a Squeezebox Touch, I noticed a few days ago that this
became available for order and promptly placed an order for 2.  To my
surprise, the order went through with no issues, but has been sitting at
'in process' status since.  Phoning them again this morning, I'm told
there is a problem with the payment.  The order process made no mention
of a problem taking payment, and no one from Logitech has contacted me
regarding the issue.  I phone my bank, and they confirm the payment is
fine - no issues.  I again phone Logitech, and I'm told it will be
another 24-48 hours before anything will happen with the order (which
means middle of next week, so effectively over a week for someone to
even deal with the order).

To summarise:

- The website is as flaky as it gets
- Customer service for the website is worse
- The staff are untrained and know nothing about the products they're
- The telephone staff are impossible to understand and/or can't
understand English

Apologies for the rant here - and it's not aimed at the Squeezebox guys
at all - but something needs to be done about the ecommerce side of


2 x Booms, 2 x SB3, 1 x Duet, 1 x SB Radio
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