Bumping my own old thread here.

The solution provided by danco worked perfectly. I could force the
Squeezebox to connect to the WDS Slave router which provided a much
better signal than the WDS Master router.

This weekend however, I moved some stuff around in the house. One of
the changes is that the WDS Master router and the Squeezeserver machine
are now in a different room which is now much closer to the Squeezebox.
As a result it now made more sense to force the Squeezebox to connect to
the Master router especially since that router has a wired connecting to
the Squeezebox server.

For some reason the MAC Filter solution now no longer works properly.
Both routers now provide about the same signal strength. For some reason
however, at some point the Squeezebox still thinks it would be better to
connect to the WDS Slave (provided it was already connected to the WDS
Master to begin with). When that happens, the Squeezebox display shows
that it is trying to connect and get an IP address. However, due to the
MAC Filter, this fails and the Squeezebox will turn blank. When I then
unplug (power off) the WDS Slave router, the Squeezebox again goes
finding a router and then finds the WDS Master again where it is able to
connect and then function properly. I could then plug in the WDS Slave
again, but after a day or so, I would notice that the Squeezebox display
is blank again.

I now temporarily added the Squeezebox's MAC address to the WDS Slave
such that it gets a free choice. However, would still like to know how I
can force the Squeezebox to connect to the WDS Master to avoid consuming
double wireless bandwidth (SB->Slave & Slave->Master).

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