exile;486067 Wrote: 
> in order to watch online video streams you would of course need to be
> logged into your boxee account within the program but it also has the
> option of working in the program in offline mode.
> Boxee is a fantastic program that is just about to go to beta stage.
> I've been using it in alpha for about a year now and it's been
> revolutionizing my television experience just like the squeezebox did
> way back when.
> fyi- i don't just use boxee. for a fully rounded online/computer tv
> experience I currently use boxee, the hulu desktop app and then for live
> tv- Elgato's eyetv which is also quite brilliant.

Well, all I really want is something like this - a media server in a
single location that has access to all my video sources (in my case, ALL
I care about are locally and remotely mounted drives, either via NFS or
Samba), the ability to index said content and let me modify the database
in case a given fileset/DVD on hard drive/etc. is unidentifiable, and a
*thick* client I can run on Linux or Windows to watch and control the
viewing.  I don't want an applet or Flex app that runs in a browser and
has lots of lag - I want a full-blown media player, but communicating
with a central server.

Does boxee do that?

I'll check it out anyway. :-)

- Tim

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