eschurig wrote:
> Wow.  I thought the touch was not available yet.  It is surprising that
> production would be cut off before the replacement was available,
> especially, right before Christmas.

I'm sure there are sad faces on managers at Logitech because of that.
There were Touch units in place all boxed and ready to go back in
August/September, the hardware is done. But the software took longer
than expected.

> I'm in the US.  I wonder if there are some SB3 classics available here
> for a discount.  The classic squeezebox is what originally drove my
> interest in this product line.  I had been hoping Logitech might ramp up
> the volumes and get costs down to $150 or so. 

The display on the classic is really expensive. No unit with that
display can get down to your dreamed of price. But touch displays are
made by the zillions for cell phones, and their prices are being driven
by volume down quickly.

It will be a lot easier for Logitech to make and sell Touch units at
lower prices than they could with the Classic.

Pat Farrell

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