Muele;512019 Wrote: 
> Main music-selection menu has no back-swipe but a back-icon instead. Is
> that not a legacy from before you invented the backswipe?
The browser  has 5 categories now:
'my Music'
'Services' - like Deezer, LastFM,...
'Track Search'

Within each category, backswipe will take you back in the hierarchy.
To get out of the browser, you tap the exit-arrow.
I though that was the most obvious way.

> Double click: main menu: to select eg artists I need to click twice.
> The first click just highlights it. Fine for e.g. highligting an album
> so you can click on one of the three add-to-playlist-buttons. But not in
> the higher levels of navigation. Other places I have noticed it: To
> select an internet service, and to open an "activity" in the service.
> E.g open my newsfeed in Facebook. When drilling down in the radio-menu.
> Problably several other places...

You are right, several steps in the browser hierarchy would not need 2
However, it's simply much easier (programatically) to stick to certain
scheme. And the scheme in SCtrl is: 
1st click - select item (and potentially add to playlist, or display
2nd click - open item.

> I think I don't understand the use of the "keyboard" below the alphabet
> (great feature btw). when i click I get a very small "popup" Rounded in
> one corner, but sort of cut off on the bottom and right side. Apparently
> it is for selecting .,: Probably usefull for some. But why not include
> more "special" characters?
The keyboard has two toggle modes: characters and numerical/special
characters. The toggle-button is the bottom-right key.
If it's not working for you, I think you found a bug there. It would be
great if you could take a snapshot or a photograph.

> I finally figured the sync out. It's hard to fit a lot of features in a
> small amount of space. 
Good - and yes, it is hard^^

> The actions to get into the current playlist requires two steps. I
> think it would be better to have one icon on the now playing screen. 
I'll think about that. Again, it's a question of screen space.

> And the icon to open the row of four icons:
> off,settings,players,playlist isn't really visually up to the rest of
> the ui I think.
^^So you don't like my popup-menu button.
Go ahead and suggest a better one;-)

> Thats all for now. I hope it is of some value to you. 

Great value!


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