ultra238a Wrote: 
> The problem with the Roku radio is that it looks like it has been made
> out of cheap plastic and doesn't have any quality about it - for $400
> no thanks.
> Paul
> Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

Give it the same "scuba" coating as a Squeezebox and even cheap plastic
will look good.

I wonder how much a wireless SB2 would cost with semi-decent stereo and
sub speakers? The aesthetics of the SoundBrige Radio don't appeal to me,
but the concept certainly does.

My only question about the SoundBridge: does it support a custom alarm
track, and where can I get a sample of Quasimodo shouting "Esmeralda,
Esmeralda"? That hump is damned unattractive.... but stuck in a corner
it might not be so bad!

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