Anyone else having this issue? - For tracks that don't have artwork
embedded in the tag, SqueezePlay displays the artwork of another tag. 
But not only this, it displays the SAME artwork for all tracks without
embedded artwork. Not sure how it picks the artwork, but for every
single track without embedded artwork, - it displays the same artwork
file even if I have the Folder.jpg in that given directory/folder.

The only way this clears up is if I clear the overall artwork cache. 
But that only seems to be a temporary fix. Eventually SqueezePlay will
grab some other file's artwork and once again use it for all tracks
without embedded artwork.

Anyone else experiencing this with SqueezePlay. Not a big deal as its
not effecting functionality but its just really annoying to see the
same, incorrect artwork displayed instead of the folder.jpg.

Thanks in advance!


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, M&K VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

Squeezebox "Bedroom" Boom, Controller
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