How do you power off the SB Receiver?

I'm running a SB Radio and a SB Receiver. Those two are synchronized,
but only audio, not volume or power. When i start to listen to some
music on the radio, i can go over to the other room, switch on the amp
and voila, same music. 

What happens if i listen to an internet station and simply turn off the
radio? The duett keeps on streaming. I won't notice because the amp is
powered off. Not very nice to the internet station. 

Which options do i have to prevent this? 

Press pause before turning off. Ok, i do this at the moment. But i will
forget this...

Power the duett off with the amp. But then the controller looses the
receiver and switches over, controlling the radio. 

Sync Power. But then the radio starts to run the moment i listen to the
main system. 

Write a small script that checks if i'm still streaming at three in the
morning and at least stop it then. 

Any other ideas?

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