Folks, please be more specific and include model numbers in your
descriptions (and maligning shots) rather than the non-existant "belkin
unit" or "linksys router".  There is no model or product called the
"Belkin" or the "Linksys", as there is no product called "The Sony".
Some of you are talking about any of Belkin's earlier or inexpensive,
commodity routers, and some are talking about a specific model such as
the Pre-N.  Lumping them all together by company is silly, and such
misinformation and FUD can end of costing others time and money. 
Imagine the poor soul who dumps his Belkin Pre-N for the equivalent
Linksys SRX model.

While there is no doubt all of these companies have produced inferior
products, there are also excellent product offerings as well.  The key
is to learn their strengths, weaknesses, and differences, and many of
the postings here, and on other BBs, are sophomoric and useless as
guidance.  Please, lets get away from the "Ozzie Rules/Metalica Sucks"
mentality here.

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