kdf wrote:
> On 2010-05-16, at 5:12 PM, JJZolx wrote:
>> Why do you say that?
> You see to see it as some evil Logitech plot.  I simply see it as a
> case of this forum no longer serving its purpose.  it was to generate
> a community interest, spawn creative efforts to expand the offerings
> for plugins, skins, etc.
> Instead, it's just a hotbed of unsubstantiated rumour (case in point,
> the moronic post that now uses this thread to suggest that the forums
> ARE being shut down), pissing and moaning and negative attitudes
> hiding behind some thing guise of expertise. 

I'm surprized that Jim is part of the problem, I tend to agree with
@kdf, these forums, especially general, audiophile, touch and boom are
all whine and no signal.

I was thinking it was kinda nice when the mailing lists were broken.

Pat Farrell

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