This is set of tough questions to answer, as there can be so many
problems in Windows that could cause such anomalies.

First, you say both "hang" and "goes to sleep" in the same description.
These are two vastly different things.  If the network card driver is
hanging, this is a driver problem and you'll need to get an updated
driver to resolve.  If replacing the driver does not solve the problem,
there could be higher level network stack issues.  Its just not possible
to know without further tests.

The network card should not go to sleep w/out the system itself going
into low power or sleep modes.  All this APM and ACPI stuff is quite
simply in theory, but in implementation is a nightmare.

If you disble sleep mode and the rest of the system is responsive, but
your network wedges, this sounds driver-related.

I'm afraid you'll have to do a little diagnostic work to narrow down
the problem a bit.

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