garym;564708 Wrote: 
> go into SqueezeboxServer, then select settings (lower right hand side of
> screen), then in Settings on one of the tabs, you can enter the exact
> music subdirectory that you want it to scan as the location of your
> music library. If this is C:\my music\, you would enter that info, and
> SbS will only scan for music within that folder. SbS doesn't know that
> you only have your music in "my music" unless you tell it.

Thanks for the quick response!
I guess I was assuming things as obvious in my head but didn't lay them
out in my post:
Yes, I did specify in the setting's "Music Folder" field the path to my
music directory. That's why I'm expecting it to scan there and only
there. But still it would scan in other locations.

Now, I don't have any shortcuts/soft links from that music folder to
other locations on my computer (that I know if). so why would it still
go there?


Wondering Jew
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