On Sun, Oct 02, 2005 at 09:11:55AM +0100, Simon @ Home wrote:
> BTW. If anyone can recommend a Linux/Unix distro that will run very well on
> a 500khz, 512mRAM Pentium laptop, but that includes a (light?) gui front end
> (as I do not have the time to get to grips with the CLI) I'd a appreciate
> it. I only want to run SlimServer on it.
---end quoted text---

I use FreeBSD (http://freebsd.org).  Unix, not Linux but runs very well
on small machines.  My Slimserver is running on my mail/web/webDAV
server which is a 500Mhz box.  A friend of mine is running Slimserver on
FreeBSD on a 100MHz 64Mb box with no issues.

I don't bother with GUI's on these things though... they consume more
ram than the Slimserver app :)
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