Metazargo;569652 Wrote: 
> I consider systems like JRiver as management software. Like with
> embedded systems, today typically video players with included HD and
> media server, you don't get any good results, outside a computer or a
> television screen. 
> I.e. I manage my music data stored on a NAS with MediaMonkey. It's also
> possible to link iTunes to the same network share, without doing any
> harm [...} 
True JRiver is a manager, and the best there is. It also has a pretty
good big screen mode which is the base for one of my use cases.

Metazargo;569652 Wrote: 
> There are two key elements in such an installation: 
> One is the remote controller where we use iPeng on our iPhones;
That's similar to my other use case, but I don't own an Iphone.

But that's beyond the point of my post. Being "similar to" the various
types of DLNA units doesn't solve my request. I'm asking for an
implementation of DLNA "play to" or DLNA Digital Media Renderer, if you

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