Porschefan;571194 Wrote: 
> Now that it's established a Touch will most probably work fine as a
> front end to the Axiom system, I have another question.
> By definition the Touch would be tethered to the Axiom/computer system.
> So even though it can control any other SB devices that might join the
> family it would have to be done from the computer area.  It seems that
> the Duet has the advantage of having the controller component portable.
> So how does the Duet receiver compare to the Touch's DAC and general
> audio electronics?   Pro's and con's of the Touch vs. the Duet for
> these purposes?

Aha! The more you learn the more remains to learn. First, I see no
advantage to the duet for you (and I have one). Here's why. For ANY of
these SB players to work they must be connected to your local area
network (LAN) either wired with ethernet or via WIFI. The CONTROLLER
part of the duet is no different from the TOUCH in this respect other
than (1) it has to use WIFI and (2) it can be held in your hand and is
battery powered. Otherwise, both the CONTROLLER and the TOUCH must be
connected to your LAN to control any other SB players on your LAN.  If
you really like the portability benefit of the CONTROLLER, I'd advise
you to pick up the cheapest iTOUCH and install the $9.99 app iPENG.
This will do everything the CONTROLLER does and more. And it will also
surf the web, do email, and allow you to run the thousands of other
apps from the ITUNES store.

OK. So how does the TOUCH control other players. On the TOUCH screen,
you use the menu to select the option to switch to another player.
Let's say you choose the BOOM which is in your bedroom. Once you've
done that, you can browse the menu, select music, select internet
radio, change volume, etc. from the TOUCH menu but it is affecting the
BOOM.  This is the same thing you'd be doing with a CONTROLLER if you
had it instead.  Neither the TOUCH or the CONTROLLER need to be
anywhere near the computer that is running SbS. They just need to be
connected to the same LAN with the computer running SbS.  Heck, if I
opened the right ports on my router at home, I could control all my SB
players in the U.S. from my laptop running SqueezePlay while on the
internet in New Zealand!

You can also control the TOUCH and any other SB players from either the
web interface for using SbS, install SqueezePlay and use it as a
controller any computer on your LAN, etc.

Sorry if I sound like a broken record here and in other threads. But it
has become very apparent to me that a lot of new users really don't get
the idea that the music players are PHYSICALLY SEPARATED from the
computer serving the music.  I think perhaps that too many people are
coming to the SB stuff after using something like an IPOD or a laptop
that is physically connected to the stereo playing the music with some
sort of audio patch cables. With SB, only the SB player (e.g., TOUCH)
needs to be connected to stereo. The computer and music files can be
far away.

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